by Indy » Mon Oct 26, 2015 3:27 pm
But you have to understand that is the GOP now. They support whomever the GOP puts up Because Liberals.
They're also bombarded with messages all day that communicate the idea--either overtly or by association--that "liberals" are bad. Somebody like Trump is treated as perfectly legitimate and given the kid glove treatment whereas how much time have we wasted on Benghazi? How many "scandals" have there been in the Obama administration that turned out to be nothing?
The GOP figured out long ago how to control the narrative in the national media so that the MSM feels they must cover any story/allegation put forth by the daily Roger Aisles propaganda machine lest they be accused of being "liberal."
Just look at the last two presidents.
Bush's term brought us 9/11, deficit-exploding tax cuts (skewed to the rich as always), two insanely expensive and failed wars and then the greatest financial meltdown in the country since the 1920s. By any measure his presidency was disastrous.
Obama inherited this whole mess but managed to keep us from going into a depression, saved the automakers (and hence thousands of jobs), finally killed OBL (another Bush failure) and implemented health care for the first time ever, helping millions of Americans. Yet candidates were running away from him last election, not wanting to be associated with him. ?!?!
Granted he has plenty of failures and flaws too but compared to his predecessor he's FDR. But here he is with what? A maybe 50% approval rating?