Again, off you go on another windmill. Nobody's talking about BANNING silencers (although that certainly would make sense). We're talking about removing the regulations that have been in place to make it even easier.
You pulled out the whole "almost no deaths" statistical red herring which of course falls apart the moment you introduce the hand grenade argument. Or the fact that statistically military rifles are involved in very few deaths here--so if that means a Sandy Hook a couple of times a year, hey: to make an omelet, right?
Then with a straight face you repeat the schtick about this is out of a concern for hearing loss (LOL, like, are ear protectors/in-ears banned?) while incorrectly stating there is "no harm" in making silencers freely available.
You guys would get a lot further if you would just admit you want nobody to infringe on your hobby, regardless of the outcome.