by Saz » Tue Oct 27, 2015 5:36 pm
Russia isn't aligned with china. They are huge strategic, geographic and military competitors. Again, the only reason they pretend to get along is because we are dumb enough to stick ourselves in the middle to take flak. And second largest millitary power? They can't even beat up the rump of ukraine. there is a strong likelihood if they ever did push the red button nothing but smoke would come out of the silos. half the ships they put to sea literally cannot float. the second time they tried to use a cruise missile it landed IN THE WRONG COUNTRY. their population is in sharp decline, half the men die before reaching 50, and have an economy half the size of france. paper tiger man, if you think they are a millitary power you are just buying into the midget macho nonsense.
I dont get this desire to meddle and have spheres of infuelnce like this is a f**k risk game. We invented jeans and rap and the iphone, our sphere of infulence is based on being chill, innovative and likeable, not by playing stupid games with russia. our spehere if infuelnce expands by it's very nature and meddling only backfires on us. we have no obligation to drag others along or convince them of the righteousness of our ways. If they cant see that, their loss. they can go wait in the bread lines and console themselves that conscripts dying = power while the rest of us enjoy our lives.
cant be insecure bro. we are the 6'2 alpha here and that fact is obvious, we arent the midget who needs to remind everyone how tough he is or how much kitty he pretends to slay. just let it do what it do bro