by Medius » Mon Nov 16, 2015 1:20 pm
Truth is a tree falling in the forest and nobody being around to lie about the sound.
I think you have to split between truth that can be determined purely objectively and that which requires some amount of deduction, which introduces humans, which introduces subjectivity.
Even then, I would argue that truth still exists, what fails is the discernment of truth. Though I can understand questioning it as the value of truth is a completely distinct concept from the quality of truth.
That is, a lie told to another as truth may create the same result as if the lie were actually true. It may create a positive result that otherwise may not have occurred if the truth had been told.
Further, for truths that exist only in social dynamics, the actual truth may never be knowable. Whether a thing happened or did not happen may be impossible to determine and through events or even just pure mistrust, the truth may not ever be able to be determined. This is where it gets really fuzzy. Though, I still believe the truth exists, whatever happened did happen, even if it is impossible to discern.