by Cal-Pak » Sat Nov 14, 2015 3:35 am
Maybe this act will finally be enough for the "major" powers(since the US is the only "Super Power") to actually do something against ISIS.
France, UK, US, and Germany(who is being inundated with refugees) could easily send 500,000 or more troops to Iraq/Syria and put an end
to these people in a relatively short period of time.
The thing I keep hearing about sending troops, is "the death toll" if we do.
Well, this makes clear the death toll will still be there whether we send troops or not.
Obama needs to send troops to finish this, because if ISIS strikes in the US
He will forever be known as the President who allowed a terrorist organization to form, and then attack the US.
The key word being "Allowed". What we are doing is not going to end ISIS.