by Dylan » Tue Nov 24, 2015 10:15 am
NATO has warned Russia for months to cease incursions into Turkish airspace. Turkey has shown extreme restraint to date, including not responding after a MIG-29 locked onto a Turkish F-16. Russia has continued to push the envelope despite dozens of warnings from NATO and Turkey to cease their posturing and antagonism toward Turkey, a NATO member.
This cannot be explained as simply Turkey overreacting to an accidental incursion. This is a response to repeated blatant incursions into Turkey with unknown and possibly hostile intent. If another nation's military entered US airspace repeatedly despite our warnings, locked onto US jets, and otherwise acted like they might have hostile intent, we would absolutely respond in the same manner as Turkey did. A nation is not required to give another nation rights to its territory.
To take your argument to the extreme, Saz, you are saying that if Russian troops marched into London but never fired a shot, and an armed UK bobby shot one of them and then Russia started bombing London in response, NATO's mutual defense obligations would not apply. You're saying that nations have no right to territorial integrity.
It's an absurd argument and a transparent post-hoc rationalization of your desire to not support Turkey because you view them as an unreliable ally.