by Saz » Fri Nov 27, 2015 7:45 am
Most libs don't know many Muslims. No other way to put it really. They have maybe one or two nice Muslims they went to school with or who work with them and extrapolate that out onto the other 1.2 billion. How many of these kind that love defending Islam have ever been to the Middle East? How many of these libs bother to ask their Egyptian can driver what his wife is up too?
Visit the Middle East and you will see the Muslim masses for what they are. Backwards theocrats who GENUINLEY believe the religion. I remember having to hide for 2 days with a friend in Morocco because there were bombs going off in the city and even my awesome Moroccan friend and his family couldn't really be sure what their neighbors would think about an American staying nearby. I remember in Abu Dhabi drinking with a nice Frenchman and after singing Le Marseilles, the bar tender shut the bar and closed the doors because we were singing the star spangled banner and that might attract trouble. I have a good friend who's mom, despite being very wealthy, left her country because men would scold her for driving or traveling around without a male (not Saudi). When I studied in Brussels, an Indian girl in my program and I would always get yelled at by random Muslims on the street, people who would mistake us for Muslims and then yell at us for drinking a beer or wearing shorts. There are good Muslims and bad ones but I don't think most libs have actually spent enough time in heavily Muslim places to realize what a large contingent the illiberal and supremely religious are.
Visit the actual Middle East and you will see that it's not just politics or branding. Huge swaths of these countries have majorities of people who adhere strictly to what they believe is a religious code, and support terrible things in the name of religion. The religion is pervasive in every aspect of these societies. I argue a lot of politics with a lot of people in a lot of places and one thing that always sticks out is how utterly backwards even intelligent people from the Middle East seem. They are the Saracens of the world, who seem nice and reasonable until you find them defending a suicide bombing because Israel does bad stuff also, or the sort who love to talk political economy but can't seem to wrap their head around the idea that devout religiosity is not comparable with certain key scientific or liberal ideals. That's what passes for moderathe.
It's obviously not the religion itself. None of these observations hold true for Malaysia or Indonesia for example. But every country in the Middle East, no matter how seemingly liberal or wealthy, you realize there is this massive majority of society that holds views completely incompatible with a secular liberal society. This is typical of the limousine liberals, the same sort that march for Freddie grey but haven't set foot in a ghetto and would be too scared to ever do it.