And while you're doing your "poll", about what "un-American" really means, perhaps you can Google it or, I dunno, watch any TV broadcast in the past week and see the dozens and dozens (and that's lowballing it) examples of endless people, from gov't officials to commentators to anchors, referring to Trump's plan as...
wait for it...
wait for it...
You'll also find one article along the lines of "Sadly this is actually really American" and then explaining why he thought so. As opposed to seizing on the phrase and screaming about how this was entirely inaccurate based on... something... but more really a semantical game that of course culminated in whining about my alleged "moving the goalposts" and demands that I admit my crime and claims of... something. All which were completely premeditated and had nothing to do whatsoever about alleged concern for what the phrase "un-American" meant. But you know that. Just as I knew it. And anybody looking at the examples mentioned above would know it, unless you really want to assert that all these other people and me literally have no idea what it really means, that we're all in error, and you know this because a handful of guys on a online forum say so.
L. O. L.
Do the poll! Do the poll! Seriously I can't wait! I tingle with anticipation.