by NAB » Wed Dec 16, 2015 9:54 am
This thread fizzled pretty quick. I watched that debate with my in laws (who were in town for one night), and I kept asking how f**k long was this going to be on, because Wolf kept saying we're just getting started over an hour in. Backstory: my mother in law likes Trump and thinks Obama is a Muslim, so at least I had a few amusing notes during the evening.
What a painful watch that was as a whole though. So much simplistic bullshit it boggles the mind. This is what could run the most powerful country on the planet? The discussion about the Internet and those f**k teying to talk about algorithms was priceless though.
Trump- same old same old, but he's very entertaining when it comes to dealing with personal attacks. Nothing new outside his olive branch about running independent. I think he's starting to get run down with the process a bit.
Fiorina (sp?)- yeah we get it, you're a tough old broad, but did you need to remind every chance you spoke?
Kasich- Too much talk about Ohio, who f**k cares about Ohio?
Carson- I think he's a nut, but a well intentioned one. There were moments he said a few things I liked (not policy related of course). He'll get pushed to the wayside soon.
Christie- 9/11, I know the head of the FBI, I'm a straight shooter who would fight Russia, I'm confused whether Isis or Iran is taking everything over so we should fight them all, etc. Repeat to look tough.
Rubio- si
Bush- did well with a couple of his salvos at Trump, but then got bitchslapped in return. His closing statements were so terribly delivered he made his brother look like a statesman.
Paul- Said a few things I liked, seemed to have a few Randriods in the audience cheering for him, but, ultimately, he's going nowhere.
Cruz- saved the best for last. What a f**k display of tunnelvisioned ideas that weasel showed last night. I detest him with the intensity of a thousand suns. The Trump/Cuz make out session was so transparent. If that's the GOP's ticket, then they've truly turned their backs on any intellectual curiosity and have finally sunk to the LCD. I don't want Hilary in the Whitehouse, but they'll hand it to her with that ticket in a general election.
Also, I want more jimmy drunk analysis in the future. Please do the next democratic debate. Pretty please?
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