The media really took Trumps comments and ran with it. BBC and NPR ran really hard with it and definitely tried to discredit Trump. My facebook was full of people "outraged" at Trump. I went to HS that had a decently large Muslim population. Before traveling I had a very positive view of Muslims as a whole, they were relatively westernized and were friendly people. This is because most of the Muslims at my HS were well educated and had been somewhat westernized.
Traveling definitely gave me a more negative opinion on Muslims as a whole and the prospect of allowing North African and ME immigrants into any western country. As a people they are very backwards and corrupt. Morocco was one of the most depressing places I have visited and that is one of the more moderate Muslim countries. Their culture is completely incompatible with Western Civ. This isn't just conjecture - see pewresearch polls - ... -overview/
Once Muslim immigrants reach Europe they proceed to scam as much money as possible out of the welfare system, sell drugs, rob tourists and overall make themselves a general nuisance. This I all saw with my own eyes. This is in addition to occasionally bombing a metro or shooting up a concert hall.
Frankly Trumps comments weren't very helpful or presidential but limiting the amount of immigrants from countries that don't share our values is only a good thing. We don't need more cheap labor, especially cheap labor that thinks all gays should die, woman should stay at home, covered up, cheating and scamming to get ahead are ok, and that have a off chance at getting disillusioned and rampaging.