It's amazing how much you want to whitewash (no pun intended) race out of this whole thing when you know damn well that if this were black men there'd be a full-on assault right now.
I don't know how many more videos you need to see of black men being gunned down by cops for far less before it sinks in that we have a double-standard in this country and this just proves it again. While I agree there's no sense in assaulting a meaningless cabin in the sticks when it poses no threat to anybody, that's not the point.
The point is that too many people in this country and their feedback-loop media outlets glorify these ignorant yahoos that are heavily armed as "patriots" and would be the first to approve if they got into an shootout with law enforcement so they could become martyrs, something many of them have openly stated they want to do.
The same people who ironically characterize BLM as a black terrorist group that wants to murder policemen.
So it's okay for police to die at the hands of a white patriot, but when it's a black man it's murder, of course. Conversely, police moving in on these hillbilly-tards is evil gov't tyranny but if they were to open fire on black insurrectionists why of course those people had it comin'.
Yeah, it's just that stupid and that obvious. Murica, 2016!