Btw, I wrote a sequel to my Dylan/Kane story to illustrate what life will be like we ignore the Philly Plan™ and continue to rely on a flimsy individual mandate for plans that leave people dangerously under-insured. It was a masterpiece but I lost it and couldn't recover.
Long story short (and it was very long

), Comrade's mom forces him to go outside for a family cookout after he spent the last 6 months in his dark basement 24/7. Out in the sun, he quickly realizes he has a severe and dangerous case of eczema, cause by his lack of exposure to fresh air, light, non-microwaved food, and women. The Doctor recognizes he has a rare and very lifethreatening form of "super eczema", which is self aware and can choke the life out of its host. When Comrade's mom (who I cleverly dropped subtle hints throughout the hospital scene had been kidnapped and replaced with Exploited in drag. Dammit I was so masterful in my writing with that part) tries to hand the doctor 15 dollars for the surgery, the doctor sadly informs her that the Philly Plan™ never existed in this alternate timeline, and that he needs to start operating on Comrade immediately so she should talk about the bill with his receptionist. Mrs. Comrade (now even more obviously Ex in drag) finds her private insurance card in her wallet and hands it to the receptionist, who informs her that the surgery's total cost is $100,000, which her insurance would pay only $5,000 of.
The story ends with Comrade's eczema in serious remission, as he and his mother are homeless due to their medical debt. In the final line, Comrade asks his mom why their cardboard box can't have a basement.