yes, healthcare is not a right. rights, even if they are not innate and are instead human constructs, have always been a facilitation for some action by an individual. they did not impose on others to do something for them, but rather restricted others from stopping them from performing x action. healthcare imposes on others to do something for them. but even if something is not a right it doesn't mean it is necessarily "a bad idea" or "not worth spending money on"
i tell you what. my healthcare plan, before the ACA, was amazing. i paid roughly the amount i pay now, had $20 office copays even for specialist care, $10 perscription pills. today i pay 100% up to my $2,500 deductible then it's 70% covered and i pay 30% up to $10K then it's all covered. which is fine, i guess, but i've seen my healthcare coverage go down after the ACA was passed. now maybe, maybe my company was going to take a giant shit on us regardless. maybe. on the other hand, by forcing everyone with preexisting conditions into coverage you've significantly increased the cost. so then we get back to the question of if it was a "bad idea" or not. for me personally, absolutely, i'm far worse off now