Why would people who were super-passionate about a guy who is a socialist, of all things, decide to vote for the neo-fascist Trump?
Just because he's "anti-establishment"? That's the only thing that matters? I doubt it.
The reason Trump voters are so fired up as well as all the GOPers that will go to him is because he tapped into their rage about having a black president--much less a Democrat--and their feeling that America is not great anymore because colored people and non-Christians aren't real Americans like they are. And all our woes will disappear if we just Make America White again.
As for people on that side now backing Trump because the tea party gov't they elected doesn't know how to govern and doesn't get anything done, YOU did that, morons. When you decided to vote people into office who weren't interesting in governing but instead fighting a jihad against The Left/Obama.
Now that the establishment they've created has failed them, they're going to protest by electing an even more ridiculous choice as president?
This is farce.