by John Galt » Tue Mar 22, 2016 10:00 am
all this talk about whites not being the majority in the future is predicated on latinos not being considered white. while some have more indian features, they also have iberian features -- and more iberian features. in latin america, whites are the largest group of latin americans there are, larger than the mezitos who are part white, part native. and almost all of the rest have some amount of white ancestry, but we call them all "latinos" here. cubans are almost 70% just plain "white". many central american countries are majority mezito (and thus influences our prejudices against "latinos" as these are the more common latinos who migrate here), but south americans are majority white, overwhelmingly so. still mezitos are by definition part white (i'm technically a mezito myself but don't look like a latino). my point is by time white people would find themselves no longer the majority but plurality, latinos will be considered white people and the majority continues
Americans learn only from catastrophe and not from experience. -- Theodore Roosevelt
My life has become a single, ongoing revelation that I haven’t been cynical enough.