Wrong again. Wow you guys are in the dark.
You'd THINK it would be terrorists after 9/11. But what happened? Remember? Bush/Cheney used that as a wedge, for if you didn't support the Iraq invasion you were a "liberal" who is "pro-terrorist" and "against the troops" while "Giving aid and comfort to the enemy." And it's been all downhill from there.
Every. Single. Day. Right-wing media features endless rage-pimping about The Left and how everything that's wrong with the world is because of them. Except when the Party does it, because then, magically, it's not "liberal" any more.
Of course, The Left is a catch-all term to label anybody who's not following the Party line--when somebody calls you out, call them a liberal.
It's also the instrument used to create things like climate change denial. How do you deny something that more than 90% of scientists worldwide say is happening? Why, you label it a "leftist" conspiracy. No evidence required. Only bat-brained conspiracy theories.
For you to claim this isn't topic #1 on every right wing media outlet is either completely ignorant or completely disingenuous.