by fstarcstar » Fri Apr 22, 2016 8:16 pm
Sorry Ex, this doesn't have anything to do with conservative or not. Literally, at any time the US population from 93-96% are getting adequate banking needs. This is not a call for a new government agency, new program, new bank and some other bullshit that is horrendously ran, over budget, corrupt and ends up stealing from Americans.
Our own government sets its student loan rates at anywhere from 3-7% and makes $50 billion dollars a year, are you honestly telling me they would provide the services you guys want for free? Sorry fellas, your living in a pipe dream.
Some of us are tired of an overbearing government with programs that it can't keep under control. Did you know that the Department of Homeland Securitys Headquarters construction started in 2006, isn't complete and won't be completed until 2026? 23 years to build a damn headquarters? Government is corrupt, its inept, and it doesn't meet the needs of its citizens. Your bullshit pipe dreams gotta go.
If a state or local city want to create it, fine by me, doesn't affect me and doesn't force me to participate in its ridiculous program. But anything on a federal level that deals with all citizens birth and a bank account is going to be completely overwhelmed.
You guys have a great feel-good story in your head, but its not applicable in the real world. Sorry guys, hit the drawing table again.