I was going to make a point about how extremely far-fetched it is to think that the US govt might actually "come for your guns". I mean, sure - it cam happen in Rwanda, or some other shithole half-a-world away. But, really - how likely is it that, here in the USA, that the government would try to restrain us against our will (violate 4th amendment), take our guns (violate 2nd amendment) and do other things like prevent us from talking to the media (1st amendment).
Then, I remembered Katrina. Where all of those things happened. Quite literally, the police went up to people's doors, asked them if they had guns, and told them to relinquish the firearms. They forcibly removed people from their homes. And they stifled both the media and people trying to talk to the media.
Sure, this is a fairly isolated incident. But, it's not unique. Look what happened in CA during WW2. Oh, but that was 70 years ago! However, Trump has called for a a database of Muslims (specifically, surveillance of certain mosques).
While I'm usually the first one to tell people to take off their spinfoil hats . . . it's not that crazy in this instance. So, keep your guns. Keep them in your houses. Just keep them safe.