It doesn't matter Spider. The amount of time that is spent arguing about what is or isn't an assault weapon is so absurd. Cons are never gonna let the libs have another assault weapon ban, and libs have become so unhinged with rage over the NRA that at this point they can't even articulate a coherent argument for it anyway.
The problem is that libs just don't believe regular people should be able to possess guns, which is fine. Agree or disagree, it's public policy in many successful countries around the world. That doesn't mean we should or shouldn't have the same policy here, just that it's not some insane lunatic agenda that needs to be concealed. But libs can't bring themselves to openly admit it's what they want, so they go for more narrow restrictions. And they can't do handguns because handguns even are too "regular", so they're scared to go after that, so instead they go after assault rifles cause that seems fringe enough to maintain that you're totally not anti-gun, just looking out for the mass murdering psychos. Your Uncle Dave who posts pictures of his latest catch on facebook after every fishing trip owns a handgun. Your other Uncle Dave who posts 1,000 word rants at 3AM about how Obama is planning to subvert the election and decree himself President for life owns an assault rifle.