by exploited » Wed Jul 13, 2016 10:04 pm
Obama calls grieving families to offer them condolences, and gives a speech that acknowledges the insane injustice done onto blacks in America. He acknowledges the needs and competing interests of both sides, and calls for peace.
Naturally, Dylan is upset about the message that will send, lol.
After all, if one of these dead people is found to have been in the wrong, Obama's call will have essentially repudiated the judicial underpinnings of the country, disrespected police officers and incited violence (possibly even mass shootings). Isn't that right Dylan?
Obama is participating in this debate because it is the right thing for him to do. He is the first black President in American history, and you want him to ignore black public anger? Not acknowledge the human pain of their situation, which is so overwhelmingly disproportionate?
Maybe he should just stay neutral, let the system do it's thing. Not drag the Presidency down into the lowly affairs of civil right movements for blacks. It's beneath the Office for him to have done that! I bet that the cops involved are being ruined as we speak - losing their jobs, being charged with murder, condemned to prison... All because Obama decided to extend the same courtesy to poor blacks as he does officers.