by Gnostic » Fri Jul 15, 2016 1:19 am
excuse me if this has been brought up before, been awhile since I've been on here and still haven't perused threads. also excuse if this sounds conspiracy but stuff...but I honestly want to bring it up here and see what the general reaction is, left and right.
in short, its extremely hard for me to fathom what the perpetrators and leaders of these attacks hope to gain from any of this besides almost universal hatred. let's say its Isis again...and we are adding yet another atrocity to the long list they've acquired over a short time. what exactly are they thinking? how is making the civilized world hate them going to serve their causes?
there are still plenty of people who suspect 9-11 to be at least partly an inside job. the immediate effect on public opinion though favored intervention and war. after being stuck a few years in the quagmire that became Iraq, that support flagged then disappeared. OK, so they laid low a few years, let the Arab spring go by and fizzle, and now its time to ramp up hegemony again in the middle east. how? well....maybe you have to create something horrendous enough to revolt most people and turn their support towards interventionism again.
it'd be very easy and cost effective to do this way. find a depressed, loner lunatic or three, make up some fake papers for him, promise you'll take care of his family for life etc etc and send him on a Manchurian candidate suicide mission to commit some atrocity and set up the media for the feed on blaming whatever mainly conjured "terrorist" group you have. then put a guy like trump up for potus.
you get the drift. and judging by the responses from some forum members, it'd be a plan well executed and effective.