by Boris Johnson » Fri Oct 12, 2012 11:07 am
The law behind it is actually quite complicated, if I can be bothered i'll look it up.
However, the current legislation which everyone is talking about (actually I think 2 possibly 3 pieces of legislation) holds basically to J.S Mill's notion of the concept: You can publish certain views in material like 'f**k muslims' in a paper, but you can't have it on a placard. (not literally what the law says obviously) The point is there is a distinction made between the immediacy of the statement to the possibility of violence and the medium in which it is expressed. Intellectuals discussing concepts in a series of letters fine, slack yawed yokels waving a sign calling for the death of blacks in the street, not ok. Nor is this a particularly hard distinction for a court to make.
N.B me describing someone does not mean i agree with it. Just turning this boat away from derp island.
My opinion: As i've said before on the forum the idea of "U NEED FREEDUM OF EXPRESSION TO LIKE HAVE NAZIS AND SHIT OR YOU DON@TS GOT IT THEN 'INSERT ORWELL PASTICHE HERE' " is the lazy response to the trauma that broadly liberal values had in the 1930'ies and frankly has never been fully instituted by any country anywhere.