by JDHURF » Sat Jul 23, 2016 9:08 am
It's not a "fight" that I can be bothered to "fight".
If, like me, you wouldn't be comfortable sharing nude photos of yourself, you might consider that when you go through an airport more likely than not the scanners they have you go through are literally taking nude photos of you and those photos may be shared as easily as those nude photos any private citizen takes of themselves on their phone or PC or anything connected online.
That's a bitter pill if you want to insist in your sigline.
I take Greg Giraldo's view, though not his lifestyle choices which resulted, unfortunately, in his untimely death, of post-cynicism. I am not cynical about it. I simply no longer care. What is, is. What can be done, can be done about it. I will live and not be bothered.