Certain people compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. I've seen people doctor up photos that give Trump a Hitler mustache and Swastikas. This is what I have to say about Trump being compared to Hitler. IT IS RIDICULOUS! Hitler was an evil maniac. Because of him, thousands and thousands of people ended up dead. Trenches had to be dug and dead bodies were tossed into the trenches because of the huge amount of casualties.
Where are the trenches of dead bodies that Trump is responsible for? THERE ARE NONE AND EVERYBODY KNOWS IT! I will admit that Trump isn't perfect. He has flaws. If I were to say that Trump is the greatest politician who has ever lived, I would be a liar. Trump isn't perfect but he is not another Adolf Hitler.
Before anymore Trump haters compare Trump to Hitler, they should examine Hillary Clinton. She has flaws just like Trump. It is unfair of people to condemn Trump and praise Hillary. People call Trump corrupt. Hillary is corrupt. Many people are aware that she is corrupt but I wish that everybody was aware of it. Trump is no angel but neither is Hillary.
Certain people also used Swastikas when George W. Bush became President Elect in 2000. They tried to make Bush look like Hitler also. Bush wasn't a fantastic President but he was no Adolf Hitler and neither is Trump.