If the election was a popularity contest to choose who would be the better friend or neighbor, then the choice would be easy. Gary Johnson is the only nice person running for President this election.
All the other candidates have one thing in common. They want to tell us all how to live our lives. They are busy-body power-mongers who want to rule. They may mean to rule well, but they do mean to rule.
The two big-party candidates are both proven liars, over and over again. Neither can be trusted. Neither can be believed. It is downright dangerous to give any power to pathological liars.
Unfortunately most politicians are pathological liars. Some are just more difficult to catch than others.
And elections aren't about who would make a good neighbor. Elections are about who is fit to rule over others.
It is my opinion that there isn't anybody on this planet fit to rule over others.
If, as the slogan says, "Your Vote Is Your Power!" then I refuse to give my power to any politician.
Voting makes the voter an accomplice to the winning politicians' political crimes.
I can't accept those terms, so my conscience won't let me vote. Not even for a nice guy like Gary.
El Veto-Voter