by broken robot » Thu Nov 10, 2016 12:39 am
Spider's right, Americans are racist. Once the Germans voted for Hitler, all bets were off about how dark a decision can be made in a democracy.
But, we need to clarify a crucial point. It's still the white nationalist ideology that needs to be defeated, not individuals. Just as surely as you can call someone a "racist" one day, and the next they could be a "working class" ally.
We need to toss the language of identity politics as a way of stigmatizing people we disagree with,and get back to practical issues of organizing in our communities. Doesn't mean accepting racist comments for example, but maybe growing a thicker skin and just confronting it directly in the moment while moving on to the bigger tasks addressing the structure.
If I still lived in the US, I'd go to church like usual and join a Bible reading group and popularize socialist ideas that way. Find an issue affecting peole, like access to decent housing, and organize around that. Meet people beyond stereotypes. None of this echo chamber social media bullshit.
The Subversives