by exploited » Sun Nov 13, 2016 3:26 pm
I don't think youngs need a cult of personality. They voted for Clinton, after all, who is about as interesting and well-liked as genital warts. They voted against Trump, who actually does have a cult of personality, and is an interesting enough guy. But in the primary, note how they voted for a leftwinger with only a bit of charisma in a Grandpa sort of way. Now, Bernie Bros were a thing, don't get me wrong, but that really wasn't reflective of most Sanders voters.
Thing is, if you want to bring them out in large numbers and stop losing, they need to be engaged in the party more than simply despising the Republican. Post secondary education, healthcare, real economic reform, ending the militarization of police - a mildly charismatic candidate who nailed on these points and suggested actual left-wing policies would do well. Somebody with a fairly clean record that speaks well and isn't afraid to go after the establishment. Shit, just dropping the gun control thing alone is enough to get alot of people back voting Democrat.
Regardless of what happens, for the love of God, don't pick anymore old establishment bros. Except for Biden, he gets a pass for being so cool, even though he won't run.