by Enoch » Tue Oct 16, 2012 12:54 am
Where do you get the notion that Romney will 1) go to war with Iran, and 2) institute a draft to do so?
But, in the odd chance that you are right....First, they are unlikely to take me due to my age. Though I'm still in the legal "eligible" zone for the draft, since I'm under age 45 (I think that's the cutoff, but I may be wrong), I'm old enough that the younger guys would be taken first. Second, educational deferment while I finish up my doctorate. Third, even if those two didn't pay off, I'd file as a conscientious objector. I am not going to submit myself to fight a politician's war. The notion that the military "fights to protect our rights" is ludicrous. Not since WWII has there been a war in which the US was actively threatened and our lives as American citizens in danger. Korea, Vietnam, Bosnia (though not a "war" per se), Gulf War, Iraq, Afghanistan...all of those were merely wars to further the political ambitions of American politicians and to honor treaties entered in to by American politicians. If a foreign power invades American soil, I'll pick up a gun and defend my home and property, but nothing further. I'll pick up a gun to defend my own life, my property, and the lives of my family. Until that point, no politician and no war is going to get me in a uniform (no matter the cause, the politics behind it, the Commander-in-Chief, or the location).