Makes little sense to disregard any of that, really. This was extremely close...even if the effect of each of those factors is tiny, its magnified quite a lot by a winner take all electoral system. The Comey letter alone, for example, caused Clinton's numbers to drop by a greater margin than her loss in those couple of key states. I suppose our definitions as shitcons and shitlibs can be summed up by our refusal or acceptance of the realities of all these factors.
Social media was simply an outrage during the last election. You can google up a pretty amazing list of entirely fabricated nonsense about either candidate. To pretend it had no effect...just don't understand why we should delude ourselves like that. Russia literally hacked the DNC and released embarrassing content. No reason why would should pretend that was just a big imaginary nothing as well.
Its beyond obvious that the Dems blew it. But to completely disregard all the factors behind such a close thing? Why bother? It won't legitimize Trump with millions of additional votes. Trump is someone who has called for literal revolution over the electoral college, bear in mind.