by exploited » Tue Jan 24, 2017 6:06 pm
After seeing the jubilation on social media, and thinking more about this over the past few days, I'm really disgusted by people who think this was awesome.
First off, let's apply the chicken hawk test. In every city in America, there are visible neo-Nazis. The same is true in Canada. They are rare, but they exist. I've encountered them myself. Would I run up to one of them and punch them in the face? No, I wouldn't. First because I have no interest in fighting (hence the chicken part), and second because that is the kind of cheap shot shit that degrades the overarching message of liberal democracy, constitutional rights and general human decency. No matter how vile I find a person, I just am not going to hit a person unless provoked, and even then, it would take all kinds of provocation, including actual physical contact. And you know what? I'm betting Comrade, Philly and everyone else condoning this is the exact same. You had a chance, and you didn't take it. And yet you are gladly endorsing something you would never do.
Second, this whole idea that punching Nazis would have stopped all this evil shit is so f**k stupid it hurts. Has everyone forgotten that the Germans had massive street brawls, on a regular basis, for twenty years prior to WWII? The socialists, communists and Nazis were duking it out every f**k day, and it always started with some dude holding a rally, and some other dude running up and sucker-punching another guy who managed to get separated from his group. Then it escalated. Every time some idiot on social media contends THIS IS HOW YOU DEFEAT NAZIS, I just lol. That is actually what resulted in the high-stakes militarization of German society leading up to WWII, and unfortunately, the cards didn't come out right, did they?
Lastly, the punch was weak. As I said before, I just can't abide by this. I've seen better punches from two grown men facing off on the ice. He didn't even knock out a totally stationary target. Just disgraceful. If you condone this kind of shit, I feel sorry for you, because you are actively encouraging an environment where your wimpy, limp-wristed punches are going to lead to you getting hurt, mostly because you don't know how to throw a f**k punch, and the only thing you can do is run up on some dude talking about his gay Pepe pin.
Ugh. f**k you all.