I'm glad Trump is doing this because I'm going to tell you guys a story that's going to boggle your mind.
My dad worked for the government for 42 years. He worked for the agency in charge of inspecting offshore oil and gas platforms. At the time it was known as the minerals management service or MMS. After the BP blowout, which for some reason they got blamed for even though they had nothing to do with it, the federal government hired a bunch of new inspectors to make it look like they were doing something in response to the disaster. All they did was waste a bunch of money because the oil business is falling apart in the Gulf of Mexico and every week they are plugging and abandoning Wells so all of these inspectors have fewer and fewer wells to inspect to the point where they sit in the office all day playing on their computers because there is simply nothing to do. My dad also told me that their contract flying on helicopters out into the Gulf mandated that they go even if the weather was bad and they knew they couldn't get out so many times they would take off in the helicopter fly out to the beach, have the pilot tell them no the weather was bad just like I said it would be an turn around and come back all of that was on the taxpayers dime. Our government is the most wasteful agency on the planet and in my opinion, they need to be completely dismantled and started over again.