The seasonal increase in water level of the seas and oceans.
Forum of the Institute of Oceanology ... f=4&t=9249
The discovery published in the Russian-German scientific journal "Eastern European scientific magazine" №3 / 2015.
Positive review and obtained from the Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences..
The waters of lakes, seas and oceans of the Northern Hemisphere rotate counter-clockwise, and the waters of the southern hemisphere rotate clockwise, forming a giant whirlpool.
The main reason for the rotation eddies are local wind ..
The higher the wind speed, the higher the rotational speed of whirlpools, and as a consequence, higher centrifugal force whirlpools, thereby increasing the water level of the seas and oceans.
The lower rotational speed of whirlpools, the lower the water level of the seas and oceans ..
The speed of currents at the perimeter of the seas and oceans is not the same everywhere and depends on the depth of the coast.
The shallow part of the seas and oceans for moving quickly, and in the deep seas and oceans for moving slowly ..
The seasonal increase in water level is not observed along the coast of the seas and oceans, and only in the coasts, where the high angular velocity of currents and as a consequence, high centrifugal force of water. (Centrifugal force F = mv2 / r).
On the straight coasts, where currents do not have the angular velocity, water level does not rise ..
Waters of the Gulf of Finland are rotated counterclockwise, forming a whirlpool in the form of an ellipse.
And when the south-westerly winds seasonal unleash a whirlpool of up to 5 km / h, increases the centrifugal force of the whirlpool, so that on the east coast of the Gulf of Finland the level of water rises to 30 cm.
A similar scheme is the seasonal increase in water level is observed in all the lakes, seas and oceans ..
The average depth of the Gulf of Finland is about 50 meters on the east coast about 5 meters to the west of the Gulf about 100 meters, for this reason, on the eastern cмoast of the Gulf of Finland, the linear and angular velocity of currents is much higher (much less than the depth of the coast, in the much improved flows speed ) ..
In the Gulf of seasonal increase in water level are two peaks in August and September, and in December and January and in time coincide with the season of the south-westerly winds.
The flow rate in the Gulf reaches from 2 to 17 km / h and a top speed of flow in the world is up to 30 km / h wind speed over 100 km / h. ... _code=1734
Caspian Sea Water rotate counterclockwise, forming a whirlpool in the form of an ellipse.
And when seasonal winds and polovodnaya Volga River unleash a whirlpool, a whirlpool increases the centrifugal force, so that on the north coast of the Caspian Sea water level rise of 1 meter ..
The average depth of the Caspian Sea is about 200 meters, on the north coast about 5 meters, on the southern coast near the 700m.
In the Caspian Sea the peak seasonal increase in water level is " in June-August, and will coincide with the season of winds, and floods of the river Volga.
In season westerly winds flow velocity along the coast of Murmansk in the Barents Sea increased to 5 km / h, thus, a seasonal increase in water level reaches 0.5 meters.
The maximum level observed in October - November, minimum in April-May.
In the Bay of Bengal during the monsoon season winds whirl speed increases to 10 km / h, thus, a seasonal increase in water level reaches 1.2 meters.
Seasonal changes in the Okhotsk sea level is 0.2-0.5 m highest level of values recorded in November and January, the lowest in March -. April.
The seasonal increase in the level of the Black Sea (40 cm) is best expressed in the southeastern part of the sea, where the angular velocity of currents in the summer reaches its maximum value.
The assumption that the cause of the seasonal increase in water level can be the pressure of the atmosphere, river flow, temperature difference and salinity of the water does not hold, these factors can increase the level of water a few centimeters. But no more.
Cyclones moving over the surface of the sea from west to east at a speed of 40 km / h can be for a few days to increase the level of the sea, whirling maelstrom. ... rovne.html
Representation theory can be easily checked by the communication speed flows with the level of the seas and oceans.
(Based on the depth map and the currents of the seas and oceans).
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