Do you not know what panic is? As far as I can tell, you think panic=reporting.
She said it. They reported it.
And I quote directly from the video you provided:
^That is quite literally what the stupid twit said. Not with a smile, not ironically, not to lighten the tone. But with a straight face.
If she doesn't want them reporting on her for saying things like this, she shouldn't say them! She destroyed her own credibility. All the media had to do was play back her own words from the hole in her own face.
Still. No panic. Just simple reporting.
DeVos had zero credibility to start with. That's the entire problem. She's being asked to do a job she is entirely ignorant of. And she's clearly a moron. That's the actual source of the negativity. Real world, nobody gives a shit about bears, for chrissakes. C'mon, Dwight!
I'm still waiting for this hysteria you keep mentioning. As opposed to reporting on an actual, honest to God quote. (I didn't believe it, either, when I first heard it.
