by John Galt » Mon Feb 27, 2017 11:41 am
i'm sure g-dubs is trying to take some heat off of his buddy barack. he stayed out of the spotlight entirely and stayed away from politics -- which i think was a great thing. i do think barack should back off trump (for a while anyway) as it's not helpful considering the election was a repudiation of obama. this leaves the bushs as the only ex-presidents who can really come in and criticize, as clinton himself is toxic first of all and secondly his wife lost to trump, and carter is busy building houses. so g-dubs steps in
he's not a bad guy, and he's not an idiot. his caricature comes from him talkin funny, but it was also what helped endear him to the people as he seemed genuine, not cold and aloof (cough barack cough). and he's certainly not a trump supporter. he endorsed mccain, he endorsed romney, and... yup that's all the presidential endorsements he's given since leaving office. neither he nor his wife voted for trump, and did vote
Americans learn only from catastrophe and not from experience. -- Theodore Roosevelt
My life has become a single, ongoing revelation that I haven’t been cynical enough.