by ToddStarnes » Thu Mar 09, 2017 6:33 am
Lol terrible optics. Though tbf the average person is completely useless in all but the most menial of jobs IME. Even like cleaning fish was beyond the skillset of many I worked with. Apparently squeezing blood out of the gills and putting roe in a basket was some big goddamn challenge.
Or then jackass at blockbuster I managed who literally didn't know the alphabet and would just put returns back willy nilly.
Or the guy in the freezer plant who couldn't count properly when tracking how many freeze blasted salmon had been placed into a box for shipping so would just make up numbers. Rest of writing down between 7 and 12 and this ethnic group member writing 35 and shit.
People are f**k idiots. the AVERAGE IQ is 100 and lemme tell you below 115 or so you're still pretty goddamn useless IME.
There was a study recently in the ability of the average person to perform multi step but basic tasks. Absurd results. Seriously most people are legit downs.