That said, hilariously, what we get to do now is enjoy watching trump crash and burn as he flails around spewing shame from every orifice as he fails utterly, over and over again. His humiliation over being so publicly caught lying about the false accusations against Obama...delicious. His pathetic grunted apology to the British over false accusations against them...delicious. His repeatedly getting swatted by the courts over the Muslim bans being such an obvious display of incompetence...delicious. His record breaking crash in the approval ratings...predictable but still delicious. His appointees being stripped from office in disgrace, or barely hanging on despite their obvious corruption or perjury...delicious. People like Conway making an ass of herself continuously with microwave cameras and alternative facts....muy delicioso. His social media meltdowns, his meltdowns in the front of the press (and their cameras), and his pathetic need to still be staging "rallies" even months after losing the vote...scrumptious.
These hors d'oeuvres trays just keep coming by, and my biggest problem is saving space for dinner.
nom nom nom.