by exploited » Tue Mar 21, 2017 9:59 am
Spider, just stop acting so f**k arrogant about this issue when it really isn't as cut and dry as you think it is.
The CIA and NSA have been spying on every person on the planet for the past decade and a half. They have infiltrated every major tech company. They have regularly and unapologetically broken the law, over and over and over again, and never once been held accountable for it.
Not only that, but how naive do you have to be to not understand how something like this works? The FBI wouldn't tap Trump's phone. Neither would the CIA or the NSA. They would have their British or Canadian allies do it, and pass that information on informally, and then figure out ways to drop hints to the FBI without revealing sources or demonstrating their involvement. Considering Trumps collusion with Russia, it would be damned incompetent of the NSA/CIA to NOT try to get that information. And, in fact, the more I think about it, the more naive you have to be to promote your view, which is that because the authorities who can't legally talk about these programs to the public said they don't exist means they don't exist.