by The Comrade » Tue Mar 21, 2017 5:44 pm
ehhhhh no.
republicans win because they have a vast misinformation mechanism and a populace of mouth breathers. democrats go blue in the face about how big business is ripping off the working class and f**k them over and how we need to help the working class. all a republican has to do is go "god, guns, and the democrats are socialists" and you get a whole trove of 'economic anxiety' voters and nothing said can change that. look at all the people who voted for trump and are now shocked that he's going to gut their health insurance. he literally said he was going to on the campaign trail. i know you think bernie would have won but he wouldn't have. he probably would have picked up michigan and wisconsin but he would have been obliterated in virginia, florida, and ohio still and i don't have high hopes for pennsylvania. it's a feedback loop at this point. white voters are feeling the economic pinch, so they vote for republicans to save them for whatever reason. republicans shove it further in their ass. the voters hurt more, so they vote for more and more extreme republicans. you can't fight that kind of insanity. of course democrats could win if their base showed up to the polls but between voter suppression and the yutes being fickle idiots that's not likely.
and that's not even getting into the racism.