by exploited » Thu Apr 06, 2017 4:28 pm
This attack is triggering me in the same way that the supposed Turkish coup triggered me. It just doesn't make any sense. What possible incentive was there to use some combination of chemicals, at this point in the conflict? Assad, with the assistance of Russia, has been doing pretty well. ISIS is on the run and the rebellion has been stalled for awhile. This is the best condition the SNG has been in for a long, long time. Perhaps they felt empowered by having a known weakling and moron in the Oval Office? Was it because they got away with it before?
I don't know man. The whole thing is fishy. There are so many players in the area that it isn't even hard to imagine a false flag by Saudi Arabia or Turkey. It is just so convenient. The use of chemicals gave them literally zero tactical advantage, but it helps all of their enemies, and is not what their main ally wanted at all.