by Spider » Wed May 17, 2017 12:51 pm
Journalists: trump leaked classified information to the Russians concerning the color of the sky.
trump: Yes, I have chosen to reveal to the Russians certain information concerning a very large blue thing...
Phos: Well, we just don't know. It's circumstantial. trump could have been talking about anything. There's no way to know that trump is actually talking about the sky....why aren't the journalists doing their job and giving us all in the info about the classified stuff nobody is supposed to know anything about? Until the secret info is no longer a secret, I will never acknowledge that it is a secret!
Yes, Phos. STRETCH as far over backwards as you need to in order to feed your confirmation bias. Common sense, Occam's Razor, English comprehension, basic deductive reasoning....those things are all useless. Clearly you should just stick to your default assumption that it's all a convenient set of lies. That if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a must actually be a cotton candy machine. Because that's more ideologically convenient.