Only way trump goes anywhere is if we present him with some sort of a way out. A way for him to quit whilst declaring victory. So he gets to stay a "winner". He is simply too much a kitty for anything else. The GOP won't impeach him. They'll go through the motions, we'll get a big whatever from the investigations...but assuming we aren't blessed with an assassination, or a taco bowl induced coronary, trump will serve out his term. Pence is a dipshit hardliner dinosaur...but he is at least a statesman who's actually done something with his life. You roll your eyes at Pence. You don't stare with your mouth hanging open in shock and embarrassment.
As for the election...it was a once in a lifetime cosmic coincidence. The two most reviled, despicable candidates in history, going head to head in the same election in an epic race to the bottom? In a way we should be thankful we got to see the ultimate expression of disconnect of American governance from the American voter. The DNC, running a spectacularly awful and unlikable candidate, dripping in scandal, even working to torpedo the alternative who was adored by their own young and future voter base? The GOP running a former Democrat...and a corrupt, thrice divorced, womanizing Manhattan billionaire no less, who brags of sexual assault and fraud? This is the guy who got the Bible Belt to vote for him? It's completely amazing.
It's a "massive loss" only in some sort of partisan sense. Getting a third term out of the same party is always tough, even in such a rarefied scenario. In a partisan sense, the real loss isn't even the White House, it's the loss of formerly decent states like Wisconsin and Michigan. trump barely squeaking by in the electoral college while being rejected by the voters isn't a terribly impressive victory. And he knows it. Which is why he ranted conspiracy theories about how he actually won the popular vote and lied about the turnout at his inauguration for months.
And it's why I've decided that watching the GOP burn for four years is preferable to watching the Dems be completely nullified and soak up blame for four years with their own massively unpopular president, only to hand it all back over to the GOP in 2020 for who knows how long. The midterms will be telling. And I guess trump could always start a war. Worked nicely for Bush.