On the Media
http://www.wnyc.org/story/on-the-media-2017-06-02/ this weekend on NPR had some interesting bits
1. americans roughly answered at the same amount if they got their news from facebook or traditional broadcast tv (both roughly tied for first place). this was unlike any previous election. and the 'news' being peddled is often times run by one company who peddle outrage to both sides. they mentioned articles where words were changed to switch the tone of the story, but in the end it is the same source. these are there to generate clicks. it's all about the clickbait outrage title. outrage sells. so does things that validate your own beliefs. the owner of a company said the only way to stop it is for facebook to stop how they do their "news"
2. trump is not really incorrect when he says the media has been worse to him than any other president. for the first 100 days, the next worst-covered president was clinton, at 60% negative, while trump is at 80%, according to some harvard study.
what is concerning there for the person being interviewed was that the media is covering As The World Turns Trump Edition, and not the impact of policies so much. it just jumps from one thing to another. and the fact that the media doesn't give positive coverage in general (most media coverage on muslims is negative, for example) causes people to have distorted views. it's why people think crime is out of control and other completely wrong things
3. the money in the democratic party is obsessed with trump and russia, and it risks losing focus on the actual goals of the party. this is because the same rot that infested the GOP of brietbart and infowars peddling conspiracy theories is starting to take hold, as people are obsessed with russia. louise mensch's conspiracy theories have been said to be "good journalism" by former DNC chair and clintonite Brazile aftger being published by the NYT in an op-ed. conspiracy theories are a weapon of the weak -- when out of power, you will try to make sense of the world as to why this happened
so where am i going with this? well, yes, i do believe the DNC can implode if trump does weather all of this for 4 years
Americans learn only from catastrophe and not from experience. -- Theodore Roosevelt
My life has become a single, ongoing revelation that I haven’t been cynical enough.