Eh, The Donald is a national embarrassment. With a dude like Jr., your reputation took a big hit but it came back very quickly. With the Donald, I'm afraid it is probably permanent, at least until the next world war. At this point you are no longer viewed as a reliable ally or the leader of the free world. In fact you are widely viewed as an impediment to advancing Western values and other countries are actively working towards minimizing the role and influence you have even if it causes temporary pain to their own economies and safety.
To put this into perspective, the majority of Canadians have a negative view of Americans for the first time in almost four decades. Not your government, but actually Americans themselves. That is simply unheard of in recent times, as our bond as friends and neighbours has strengthened consistently. And while you may not care, you might when you realize this is the case with every other Western country in the world.
You still have your enormous military might but the soft power damage being done here is unprecedented. Literally everyone is looking to China or Germany for leadership, and that is an extremely dangerous position for the world to be in, especially since half of your own population is enamored with Putin's Russia.
I think it would be better to have a competent unknown than the Donald at this point. Risky but that could swing either way, good or bad. The way things are looking for US global power after four (or eight) years of Trump... I don't know man. You guys might be permanently screwed here. You've probably already ceded the next energy revolution to China, which is a big problem considering their economy is as big as yours. I think Trump is the death knell of American-Western hegemony.