Realistically, it's because the AA population poverty rate is about 25%. So for roughly the 42million African Americans, that means 1 out of every 4 of them live in poverty. And we also know that nearly 50-60% of the AA community lives in the same states and cities. We also know that poverty increases the likelihood of your actions leading you to the hands of police whether it's a serious crime or not. You will be at an increased risk of running into police, and the data shows that. Also the justice system is like healthcare for the more money you have the better treatment, with law if you don't have a good attorney you're screwed, and more likely to have a record. We also need to understand the serious ramifications of the drug wars, gang violence and places like Chicago that are overwhelmingly AA and deal with the police on a daily basis.
If you go and look at the governments data on leading causes of death by race, you actually see that of the top 10 deaths for the AA community has homocide listed. No other race in or country has homocide as a top 10. Not to mention a majority of those killed by police have incomes under 100k as well.
Increased police presence. Check.
Increased poverty limits. Check.
Judicial system can unfairly hurt you. Check.
More likely to be involved voluntarily or involuntarily to violence. Check.
The list goes on.