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North Korea will NEVER fire its nuclear missiles westward? • Front Page News • Political Crossfire Forums

North Korea will NEVER fire its nuclear missiles westward?

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North Korea will NEVER fire its nuclear missiles westward?

Postby reedak » Wed Jul 05, 2017 12:27 am

China's UN ambassador Liu Jieyi on Monday (Jul 3) warned of "disastrous" consequences if world powers fail to find a way to ease tensions with North Korea which he said could "get out of control". Instead he should have warned of "disastrous" consequences if world powers fail to dismantle North Korea's nuclear programme. With regard to his warning that tensions with North Korea could "get out of control", it is clear to the world that North Korea's nuclear programme has already "gone out of control".

While dreading the revival of Japanese militarism, China turns a blind eye to the growing nuclear threat of North Korea which is following in the footsteps of pre-war Japan. China's apparent indifference to the threat posed by North Korea's nuclear programme is beyond all comprehension.

China always speaks as though the North Korean nuclear programme poses no threat to itself but concerns only the US and its allies. The reality is that North Korea's nuclear missiles can hit Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin. If North Korea's nuclear missiles can reach Alaska in its latest test, it means that the whole of China is now within the range of North Korea's nuclear missiles.

Don't assume that the North Korean leader is so idiotic that he knows only to fire his nuclear missiles eastward and southward. One fine day, he will fire his nuclear missiles westward and northward.

Kim Jong-un is 33 years old. He will outlive many leaders of China, the US, Russia and Japan. Assuming North Korea can make one nuclear bomb every year, by the time he reaches the age of 83, he will have at least 50 nuclear bombs, which will be enough to erase China from the face of the Earth if any territorial dispute, similar to the 1979 Sino-Vietnam border war, arises between both countries. By then with one foot in the grave, it won't come as a surprise that the devil incarnate will not mind bringing the whole world along with him to hell.

http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/wor ... oy-9001010
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Re: North Korea will NEVER fire its nuclear missiles westwar

Postby spacemonkey » Wed Jul 05, 2017 12:26 pm

Kim Jung Un-stable probably even knows he would not win. I'm waiting for one to hit Japan. That's the excuse needed to hit the exterminate Kim Jung Un-stable button. **==
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Re: North Korea will NEVER fire its nuclear missiles westwar

Postby reedak » Wed Jul 12, 2017 10:33 am

Actually no excuse is needed if the US dares to launch another Korean War. Otto Warmbier's death was a good excuse for Uncle Sam to launch a thousand ships to North Korea.

While you are waiting for your excuse, make sure you don't travel to Japan. Who knows? One of these days a North Korean missile may accidentally hit a plane in the Japanese airspace.
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