My brother, Army, Specialist, two tours in Iraq as a medic. He's never said a word about any of it. Don't have a picture of him in uniform here.
My maternal Grandfather, Army, finished as a SSgt., fought in the Aleutians, and later the Philippines Campaign. It's kind of a shame these pictures were colorized.

My paternal Grandfather, Army Air Corps, eventually USAF, retired at Lt. Col., flew P-40's and P-47's in the European Theater, and flew the RB-36 during Korea.

Here he is as of today. Spent the day with him. (which meant cleaning out his gutters while he gave me hell about it:) ) He's fighting skin cancer right now, probably has something to do with all that time at altitude, could also be related to being 97 years old. He insists on driving himself to his radiation treatments every day. Been a ridiculously tough and stubborn cuss his entire life, why change now? Growing up, he was the most influential person in my life.
There are of course many more in my large family over the last couple of centuries, but those are the ones closest to me. My inlaws met while serving in the Canadian Forces (RCN), but I'm not waking up the wife for the details.