It's not as though there's any shortage of well-publicized abuses spanning years of this issue. Past abuses and flatly anticompetitive behavior are the reason this is even a thing to begin with.
If there was some sort of benefit to the consumer in any of this, I'd have more patience. But this benefits nobody but a few key companies who are already rolling in money to a degree that is straight up pornographic, and at the expense of everyone else. The consumers matter. The people matter. The vibrancy and open nature of a freely competitive internet and the innovation it generates are what matters. Comcast, ATT, and Verizon can take their anticompetitive horseshit shrouded in mindless ideology, form it into a bent, knobby shaft, and f**k themselves with it.
Why should we wait, Galt, for them to inevitably tighten the screws any farther? As they have demonstrated a propensity for doing? By doing that it only makes it that much harder to reverse the damage. Don't give these f**k animals even an inch. To hell with shielding them from have to compete. They've already shown their colors.
Like EA...they'll push, and chip away, until finally intervention is required.