by John Galt » Tue Mar 06, 2018 9:55 am
hurr hurr hurr the parties are opposite as they were even though if i read a f**k book i'd know they aren't hurr hurr hurr
literally the only difference is that white southerners left democrats, who were always democrats, because republicans were the party of Lincoln, and blacks, who were always republicans the Party of Lincoln, left republicans for democrats becuase the democrats changed their ways
truth is LBJ blocked the civil rights act multiple times against overwhelming republican support (but democrats had a hold of the congress for most of the 20th century), all the way up until it was politically expedient for him when he was president, and then democrats started abandoning the party. traditional republican blacks moved over to the democrats, inverting the parties in this one thing, but over basically every issue they've been pretty much the same since the new deal. at this point we might see fracturing though as the parties are being pulled by excessive partisanship caused by the gerrymandering which makes primaries more competitive than generals
Americans learn only from catastrophe and not from experience. -- Theodore Roosevelt
My life has become a single, ongoing revelation that I haven’t been cynical enough.