You are entitled to continue with your antiquated gun talking points for as long as you please, all I ask is that you do what you did here, and at least get at the merits of the argument.
Disagree with the utterly reasonable demands of the Parkland students? Fine, but there is no need to talk down at them or portray them as some sort of manipulated brain dead mass with no critical thought of their own.
That is bullshit and it is the same bullshit that was used to dismiss Vietnam War protestors, Civil Rights protestors, marriage equality protestors, etc., all movements that were primarily driven and made successful by students and kids, who questioned the assumptions of their parents and authority figures, and used the media to amplify their message. And during these times, there were people like you and fstar, complaining about how kids are being "put up to it" by the "hysterical media" who does such terrible things as reporting on topical news events and million kid marches.
Maybe part of the reason why America has trouble actually addressing these problems is the behaviour demonstrated here.