by exploited » Thu May 17, 2018 1:47 pm
Damn Galt. Disappointing. I had you figured as a real hockey fan, not a 30 year old mother of two with "let me speak to the manager" hair.
Merely causing injury is NOT grounds for punishment. This is the most warlike professional sport on the planet. You will, if you continue to play it, get a concussion, or bust up your knees, or break a bone, or lose your teeth. Personally, I had two concussions and one torn knee ligament by the time I was 16. All legal hits. The problem wasn't the guy hurting me, the problem was me being stupid and either not paying attention or skating with my head down. It happens.
Last thing we want is for the world's best sport to be infected by the dripping pussyism of other major sports. People will get hurt, sometimes really seriously. But so long as the hit is clean, the guy who delivered the pain has done his job RIGHT.
Dylan is right. It was a clean hit and deserved nothing but applause, even though it is perfectly natural to feel sympathetic for the player who got wrecked.